
Starting with your right hand.

Chords learnt.
It's too sunny a day for this song.
It's soothing, though.

I haven't felt like this in a long time.
Work doesn't make my nerves tingle.
Countless e-mails and Word documents.

Somewhere along I uncover photos, those seemingly taken ages ago. I wonder how I felt. I don't remember. Maybe that's the entire point of making decisions. You decide whether you want to relive it or not. Maybe it's when you can't decide that memories replay and you feel like you want to make new ones.

I noticed I said 'I'. Is that wrong? Must it always be about the other? I seem to take notice of all the wrong things, look forward to events that do not necessarily mean anything to anyone. Except maybe me. And maybe not as well. Maybe I'm just trying to make it a 'thing'.

I don't know. Stupid ramblings.