
If it's such a bother,

Sometimes, the people who matter the most are the ones who don't bother. On the contrary, those who dwell backstage, the ones behind the scenes; they are the people who come right out of their way to know you. They surprise you.

We always look at things on the surface. We take people at face value. We put so much attention on the ones on-screen, we neglect the people who are behind the curtains. The ones whom we forget take their bows at the back. Sometimes all they need to remind them that we do care is a gentle touch, a reassuring word, a casual greeting, a small response. A 'yes, please', a 'no, thank you'.

Small things.

They do not require us to put them on pedestals. They do not pressure for special treatment. They are the ones who prefer to stay on the same level with us, so they can take a walk in our shoes, try and understand how we feel and take effort into giving us their replies. These people, we should learn to treasure.

don't bother.