
Stare the city down again.

Not as bad as I thought, since I have the ability to control how I pass my time, and what I want to do.

These six days have passed somewhat like a dream upon waking. Being out there in another part of the world has made me realize we're aren't such big cheeses in the grand scheme of life after all. There're so many more wondrous things to look at, to listen to, to touch with your hands and to feel with your heart.

I stand on the streets of HK, speechless and overwhelmed by the high-rise office buildings, the huge luxe shopping districts, the honking traffic scenes, the shimmering, sparkly lights and strange foreign sounds, and all I can do is lift my ever-trusty camera up and snap. In all logic and rationale, weird and nonsensical they may seem, these captured visions will remind me of how I stayed and strayed, how the world is a place for us to conquer, and how one must make every applied action count.

Time for school again.